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发布时间: 2015-2-7
文字 〖 自动滚屏(右键暂停)


Qingzhou Guancheng Heavy Industrial Machinery Co., Ltd










Gold chute, Ross chute chute export manufacturers, Longjiang - Qingzhou Guancheng Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd.

With the volcano intrusive activities related to iron ore deposits

This kind of deposit refers to the deposit of iron ore has genetic relationship with volcano volcano rock, rock. Mineralization and sodium rich neutral (partial basic or acidic), basic volcano intrusive activities related to. In the metallogenic geological background as the basis, according to the volcano eruption environment, can be divided into continental volcano intrusive bed and marine volcano - type iron intrusive type iron deposit.

The 1 continental volcano intrusive type iron deposit

In Chinese Eastern Lu Xiangan Hill distribution area of volcano rock, developed a set of and pyroxene diorite porphyrite - volcano or volcanic intrusive rocks have the space, time and genetic relationship of iron deposit. The typical ore deposit in Ning (Nanjing) Wu (Lake) basin of Mesozoic continental volcano rock area fault, with alkaline basaltic andesitic volcano intrusive activities have a close genetic relationship. China has called "porphyrite iron ore". It actually consists of late magmatic - high temperature, medium temperature, low temperature until a series of genetic type in. According to the production features in the volcano in the mechanism of deposit, can be roughly divided into 3 categories: iron ore deposit occurs in the internal of porphyrite body, top and around the volcano rock contact zone, such as "Tao Cun type", "concave mountain type", "Meishan". Iron ore deposits found in and around the porphyrite body in contact with. Such as "Gushan type" etc.. The volcano sedimentary deposits found in volcano clastic rocks, such as "dragon Qishan type" etc.. Among the first class of the largest iron ore deposits, higher.

Continental volcano intrusive iron ore deposits, orebodies usually stratoid, lenticular, saccate, columnar, vein. The ore body size, large ore bodies up to 1000 meters above the long, thick tens to two hundred or three hundred meters wide, dozens of kilometers to nearly. The ore minerals are dominated by magnetite, hematite, hematite pseudomorphs of siderite, a small amount of. The ore textures are massive, disseminated, breccia, mottled, banded etc.. This type of ore deposits of magnetite with Ti, V as feature.

2 Marine volcano intrusive type iron deposit

Prolific in the geosyncline fold belt near an undersea volcano eruption center, there is a direct relationship between the forming of the deposit and the volcano action. The typical ore deposit in Yunnan Dahongshan Iron Mine as the representative.

Ore bodies occur in by the volcano clastic - carbonate - lava (spilite and keratophyre) consisting of a set of ore formation in. The lower part is a quartz sandstone, calcareous or hard sandy siltstone, intercalated with marls, dolomitic limestone and siltstone layer; sodium rich light rock is the main ore bodies in the ore bearing strata. The upper part is a thick layer of marble.

The ore bodies are usually layered, stratoid, lenticular, and a few veins or saccate, often in a band appeared. There are massive, disseminated, breccia, banded, almond shaped and aligned structure of main ore structure. Ore minerals are mainly magnetite, hematite, time illusion hematite, siderite and pyrite. The gangue minerals are quartz, albite, sericite, chlorite and other iron.

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