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发布时间: 2015-8-8
文字 〖 自动滚屏(右键暂停)

In order to reduce the initial impact composite, mining area gradually, increase the stacking height measures, such as at the beginning of the coal yard heap height of 12 meters, use a period of time, after waiting for two months but to pile into the design of highly 19.6 meters, ore yard early is 6 meters. After six months, the heap height increased to 9 meters. A year later to allow the design height of 13 meters or 12.4 meters,

Calculation of pile length:

The length of the pile is calculated according to the storage time and the storage capacity of the ore.

In the above calculation, some conditions are assumed, such as the stacking machine in the pile length, the forward or backward to the constant speed. In the process of piling, the reactor is in the process of piling in the unit time.

Material pile section shape:

The cross section shape of the material pile can be piled up in the shape of the adult. Yard by bridge reclaimer, the pile section can be considered the following conditions:

The bottom surface of the 1 material pile section is in the same horizontal line, the advantage is that the construction quantity is less, but the material pile interface is small.

The bottom surface of the 2 material pile section is lower than the bottom surface of the material, and the advantage is that it can increase the amount of storage, but the amount of the project is increased.

3 in the pile sides and retaining wall, retaining wall height associated with this form of reclaiming equipment, can increase the volume of storage,

Stacker and reclaimer equipment;

Requirements for reactor:

The requirements for the reactor are as follows:

1 the type of reactor is required to meet the requirements of the method.

2 when the incoming material to reach the head of the pile machine, the pile material function is run immediately, when the incoming material is not supplied, the line stops.

3 dust less, with dust and water spraying device.

4 with all kinds of control devices, can cooperate with electronic calculator to implement automatic operation.

5 the head of a pile of a pile of material is provided with a feed pile height detector, which can be arranged at a certain pitch.

6 stacker walking speed, the antegrade or retrograde can maintain the same tile material thickness.


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