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冠诚机械 新闻中心 冠诚机械
发布时间: 2015-12-8
文字 〖 自动滚屏(右键暂停)

煤金聚团(Coal Gold Agglomeration)简称CGA提金工艺,它是在油相粘附法的基础上,由英国石油和矿业公司于1983年开始研究的。它是用煤和油并添加助剂制成团粒用于吸附金的工艺,对自然金及其连生体都具有很强的选择性吸附,适应范围广,对5μm以下或300μm以上的微细和粗金粒也能有效地回收。且工艺过程简单、流程短、无毒、选择性好、吸附率高、聚团荷载容量大、可多次循环使用。它不但对矿石的适用范围广,还能在回收单体金及连生体的同时回收银及铂族金属。本工艺为无过滤作业,设备及厂房投资仅为氰化炭浆法的三分之一,作业费用也低,而成为近几年国内外提金工艺研究的热门课题。

Coal Gold Agglomeration (Coal Gold Agglomeration) referred CGA gold extraction process, which is based on oil adhered law, by the British oil and mining companies in 1983 and began research. It is coal and oil and add processing aids into pellets for the adsorption of gold, gold, and even the natural living body are highly selective adsorption, adapt to a wide range of 5μm or less than 300μm fine and coarse gold particles can be effectively recovered. And the process is simple and short process, non-toxic, selective adsorption rate, agglomerate load capacity, can be reused many times. It is not only the broad scope of ore, silver and platinum group metals also recovered while recovering monomer in gold and with the living body. The process is no filter operations, equipment and plant investment is only one-third of cyanide CIP, the operating costs are low, and become fellowships technology at home and abroad in recent years, to mention a hot topic.


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