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发布时间: 2015-12-14
文字 〖 自动滚屏(右键暂停)


  (1)多数砂金矿的分布与岩金矿产地密切相关 但也有少数限于其他地质条件,虽有岩金矿分布不一定都能形成砂金矿床。如小秦岭是岩金成矿区,限于地貌等条件未能形成砂金矿床。相反,在大兴安岭北部及阿尔泰等地区是砂金密布区,目前仅发现一些原生金矿点或矿化点。
  (3)大多数砂金矿床的物质来源具有多源性 例如,金盆砂金矿的物质来源主要是白垩系下统含金砾岩层,其次为二道洼群中的分散含金石英脉、侏罗系含金砾岩等多源补给。又如珲春河两岸大面积分布的中酸性岩浆岩中的含金石英脉及含金破碎蚀变带周围的伴生金矿及第三纪含金砾岩是砂金的补给来源。

Control the distribution of placer gold is strictly controlled by the gold bearing geological bodies

Geological gold is the material basis of formation of gold, and directly influence its distribution. The so-called "gold bearing geological body" mainly has the gold ore body, the associated gold deposit (point) and the gold bearing high value are very high.

Actual data show:

(1) most of the distribution of sand gold deposit is closely related to the origin of the rock gold deposit, but there are few other geological conditions, although the distribution of rock gold deposit is not always able to form a sand gold deposit. Such as the small Qinling Mountains is a gold ore deposit, limited to the conditions of the formation of sand gold deposit, etc.. On the contrary, in the north of Greater Khingan Range and Altai area is densely covered area of placer gold, currently only found some primary gold mineralization point or points.

(2) the old basement strata and a large area of placer gold metallogenic zone mostly distributed in the gold abundance of higher intrusive rocks eroded areas

Such as Hunan, Xiangjiang, Yuanjiang, the Miluo river water resources, Jiangxi Province, Changjiang River, Xin River, Xin'An river river placer gold is mainly distributed in the Jiangnan Banxi, LENGJIAXI strata exposed area; sand gold deposit in Northwest Sichuan recharge source mainly comes from the pre Sinian Bikou Silurian in Maoxian and in the three group of Triassic strata, and the gold point; Guangdong and Guangxi in the vicinity of the junction of placer gold is mainly distributed in the Caledonian fold basement of Sinian and Cambrian strata in Xingan before; the size of the ridge area of placer gold is mainly distributed in the Hercynian magmatite large area of exposed areas.

(3) the material source of most gold placer with multi-source such as material source of gold placer gold basin is mainly the lower Cretaceous Banket, followed by two Erdaowa group in dispersed auriferous quartz veins, auriferous conglomerate in multi supply. And as in acidic magmatite large area distribution of Hunchun River in the gold bearing quartz veins and altered fracture zone around the associated gold and three gold bearing gravel rock is tertiary source of placer gold supply.


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