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冠诚机械 新闻中心 冠诚机械
发布时间: 2016-7-28
文字 〖 自动滚屏(右键暂停)

根据矿石性质。采用常规全泥氰化浸出工艺。氰化浸出条件为:氰化物用量6000g/t,石灰调节pH值至11, 氰化浸出20h,金的浸出率很低.为1O.45% ,为此必须采用新的提金工艺, 消除或减弱影响金矿氰化浸出过程中杂质的影响,以提高金矿氰化浸出的浸出率。本研究通过分析研究前人的研究经验, 结合矿石性质.提出了助浸提金工艺,在矿石经过预处理后. 再加入助浸剂和氰化物进行氰化浸出.改善浸出环境。提高浸出效果.
This helps leaching process

According to ore properties. Conventional whole slurry cyanide leaching process. Cyanide leaching conditions for cyanide dosage 6000g / T and lime to adjust pH value to 11, 20h of cyanide leaching, the gold leaching rate is very low. 1O.45% and therefore must be using the new technology of gold extraction to eliminate or weaken the influence of impurities in the process of cyanide leaching of gold ore, in order to improve the leaching of gold cyanide leaching rate. Through the analysis on the experience of previous studies, combined with the nature of ore. Presents the leaching process for gold extraction and in ores after pre post processing. Then add leaching agent for cyanide and cyanide leaching. Leaching environment. Improve the leaching effect.

Study on gold extraction technology of leaching aid

Leach aiding effect of cyanide leaching of gold ore, there are a lot of factors extraction process and factors are the main ore fineness, preprocessing or not, leaching agent to join or not, cyanide dosage, leaching time, any or all of these factors are influencing the gold ore leaching, factors that influence leaching process for gold extraction must be in-depth study.


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